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Skin Care

Updated: May 30, 2021

Understanding your skin types are especially Important . Here are four basic types of healthy skin:

  1. Normal

  2. combination

  3. oily

  4. dry

Skin type is determined by genetics and environmental factors. Knowing your skin type is very important for choosing the best skin care treatments and products to use in your skin care regimen. Customizing your personal skin care routine will help promote optimal skin health, delay the signs of aging, and highlight your best features for natural beauty.

When it comes to your skin, there are many products you can and can't use. If you have oily skin, it's best to stay away from petroleum-based products. You want to use products that are gentle, natural, and will not dry your skin out.

Skin is healthiest when it is neither too oily nor too dry.

Oily skin occurs in factors related to diet, hereditary, stress, and hormonal imbalance. Women during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause are much more prone to having oily skin.

How will you know if you have oily skin?

  1. Your pores seem enlarged and are visible. Your skin may look thicker and paler.

  2. You are Prone to various forms of acne, especially in the T- Zone (forehead, nose and chin)area.

  3. Your skin appears to be shiny or greasy, and oily skin looks plumper and less aged.

The Best way to combat oily skin is to wash your face every morning when you get up, in the evening before bedtime, and always after exercise. Choose a skin care product that are labeled “oil free” and “noncomedogenic.” I use BB creams and don't wear a lot of makeup, also I found that 50% alcohol helps my skin from oiliness and dosen't dry it out. Also, use a gentle, foaming face wash. I like to use Cetaphil, a gentle face cleanser. DON’T use oil-based or alcohol-based cleansers. These can irritate your skin. (Oils) tends to build a heavy layer, causing pores to clog and acne to form. I am a Huge Coconut oil user, I use coconut oil on my body, but I cannot use it on my face. It breaks my face out every time.

Below is a link to our oily skin kit to purchase to get that beautiful look without all the oiliness.

Combination skin is having a mixture of oily and dry areas on different parts of your face, within the t-zone of your face especially, the (forehead, nose, and chin) and can be slightly oily to very oily. While the cheeks are a drier area, including around the mouth and eye area.

Recommended Skin Care Routine for Combination Skin includes using a gentle cleanser, using no more than twice a day, then a toner after a toner you want to moisturize.

How do you tell if you have Combination Skin?

  1. You will have oily skin centered around the chin, nose, and forehead. That is especially prone to acne.

  2. Your mouth, eyes, and cheeks may have dry or normal skin.

  3. And you will have enlarged pores around the chin, nose and forehead

Normal Skin, type is perfectly balanced, meaning it is neither too oily nor too dry. Those with a normal skin type usually have smaller pores, a smooth and even skin tone, with no breakouts, and no red or scaly patches of skin. Normal skin is the easiest to take care of, and only requires a basic skincare regimen.

How will you know if you have Normal Skin?

  1. Your skin is free from skin blemishes. Your Pores are fine, and hardly visible

  2. Your skin tone is even, clear, and smooth. You will have a radiant complexion.

  3. Your Skin is neither too oily nor too dry. You have good blood circulation, and healthy, against the elements and irritants.

For our mixed skin and regular skin, we have a kit to keep you looking beautifully healthy. You can order below.

Dry skin can be a result of your genetics or environmental factors. People with a dry skin lack some of the natural moisturizing factors that help your skin retain its water and may even produce less sebum than other skin types.

Sebum is the oil that builds your skin barrier that shields against environmental factors, such as temperatures, dirt, and humidity.

When you have dry skin, you should avoid skin care products that have drying ingredients that strip the skin of its sebum. You should also avoid certain elements that can worsen dry skin, such as taking long hot showers, central heating, along with certain medications and also UV exposure.

There are moisturizers that are specifically formulated for dry skin. It is essential that your skin care regimen be adjusted to the seasonal changes.

Women are more prone to dry skin than men are, and eventually all skin types, regardless of ethnicity, gets dryer as we age. Certain areas of your body are more prone to dryer skin, including your hands, arms, legs, the palms, and soles of the feet.

How will I know if I have Dry Skin?

  1. Your skin feels tight and brittle, and lacks elasticity. Your skin texture feels rough, and your complexity looks dull and blotchy.

  2. You will have scaling, flaking, and itchiness that may occur. You are susceptible to redness, irritation and infection.

  3. You will have hardly any visible pores. There will be Chapping and prone to skin cracking, and enhanced fine lines and wrinkles.

For dry skin, our product will help to moisturize and keep you skin feeling great. Order below.

To Moisturize or to not

Reasons you should be moisturizing.

When using the right kind of moisturizer for your skin, it can help maintain its balance, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes, and help maintain that youthful look. When skin is too dry or too oily, many skin problems like acne pop up. The most sensitive areas of your skin are the face, neck, ears, and the chest. Moisturizing can help give your sensitive skin the boost it needs to repair and maintain itself and to stay healthy. It is important to keep the skin moisturized, because our skin is a barrier against infection.

Both men and women can benefit from using a facial moisturizer every day. Moisturizing your face will help you to look and feel younger, you will have softer, more elastic skin, and it will keep your skin hydrated.

What happens if you don't moisturize? Well, your skin looks dull and dry. Your skin will start to flake and appear dry over a prolonged period. It can actually age the skin. When your skin is dry and dehydrated, it shows more visible lines, and wrinkles you already have that you didn't really notice before, because your skin was moisturized, will start to show more as your face dries out and breakouts could get worse.

Moisturizers these days have Sunscreen SPF in them, and if you're skipping moisturizer, you're probably also skipping the sunscreen too, which could lead to sun damage.

Moisturizers create a barrier, so when you do use harsh products like salicylic acid or retinoids, you can lose that extra layer of protection and end up with redness and peeling on your skin.

When applying makeup, it can look caked up and showing into the fine lines, so it will be more visible if you don't moisturize. Your face will also feel itchy and tight.

So the best remedy is to moisturize every day to stay youthful, glowing, and to keep your skin looking healthy and hydrated.

Traveling during the summer months

When traveling, you want to keep sunscreen on you to keep from getting sun burned, and to prevent damage to your skin.

Reasons to wear sunscreen daily.

  • Protects from sunburn.

  • Reduces risk of cancer.

  • Reduce signs of aging. Age spots, Sunspots.

  • Reduces by blocking UV rays from causing wrinkles and discoloration.

With our summer kit, you can benefit from having essential products for your stay, whether you are camping or staying in a hotel. Our kit includes Mosquito repellent, peppermint oil, digestive aid, sanitizing spray for rooms, calm essential blend, sweet feet for athletes, and after sun gel.


Exfoliating is important in your daily regimen.

Your skin sheds, so when we don't exfoliate some dead skin or toxins can remain on the skin and cause dry patches, flaky skin, and can clog pores.

So why exfoliate? Well, it can improve your overall appearance, as in preventing fewer breakouts, increasing the collagen production, helping give you that glowing appearance. Also, it helps promote skin elasticity by minimizing appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

There are many different ways to exfoliate.

  1. Physical exfoliant- Using the above product to cleanse with brushes or loofah. Any exfoliating product or method requiring manual scrubbing and rubbing to remove dead skin cells.

  2. Chemical exfoliant- Using Alpha hydroxy acids and retinoids to peel away the surface of your skin so that new and more evenly skin cells may generate and take their place.

  3. Profession exfoliant- Professional exfoliation methods include:

  • Body scrubs. Professional scrubs contain different materials, other than OTC versions.

  • Chemical peels. The key difference between home and professional peels is the acid concentration. Professional peels are stronger and may be used alongside with other prescription topical creams for maximum effect.

  • Dermaplaning. Your provider will use a scalpel blade to remove dead skin and baby hairs from you face and neck.

  • Microdermabrasion. Your provider will use very fine crystals or a special rough-tipped tool to exfoliate the skin, with a vacuum to remove dead skin cells.

When we are young, we don't think about our skin as much as we do when we get older. As we age, our bodies slow down, our metabolism slows, and we tend to start noticing changes in our skin our hair and our digestive. That's why it is important to take care of your skin, and to take care of your body. If you are healthy on the inside, it shows on the outside.

With our Age well kit, you can use to keep your skin looking younger and more radiant.

We all want the perfect skin with a clear face and no blemishes. Unfortunately, that's just about impossible. As we know when we are young, and our bodies are changing from hormones. We get those pesky breakouts more from factors of hormones, oily skin, stressors, our diets may be junk foods or other unhealthy foods, you name it.

We have a clear face kit that will help combat those and help to calm, cleanse, and smooth your skin.

Specially designed to help problematic skin look and feel your best.

Vitamin C Serums

Vitamin C serum is typically applied once or twice per day. A good rule of thumb is to cleanse, tone, then apply vitamin C serum, and then moisturize. With using Vitamin C, it is used to slough away dead cells from the skin's surface, leaving it brighter and smoother. This in turn speeds up new cell regeneration.

VITAMIN C, B, E & FERULIC SERUM: Super anti-aging, anti-wrinkle facial serum with Hyaluronic acid for men & women’s face, eyes, and neck. This formulation will help restore skin tone, texture, firmness, and the youthful appearance of the skin.

This formulation will help restore skin tone, texture, firmness, and the youthful appearance of the skin. A vitamin C serum can provide a bit of relief from burning and itching, and can even help to reduce the appearance of redness in the skin.

Vitamin C 20% L-Ascorbic acid also helps shrink pores, clear up acne, prevent breakouts, and repair the appearance of acne scars - leaving skin proudly radiating a healthier appearance that glows.

Scrubs are a great way to exfoliate, and you can make them from home.

Freebie: One of our favorites.

Brown sugar body scrub

What you’ll need:

  1. ½ cup coconut oil

  2. ¼ cup honey

  3. ½ cup brown sugar

  4. 3 tbsp. Ground oatmeal

What to do:

  1. Stir together the coconut oil and honey.

  2. Add the brown sugar and oatmeal together. Stir until you have a thick paste.

  3. After you wet your skin, gently rub the mixture on your body.

  4. Rinse and pat dry.

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